Prototyping and Murphy – Industrial Mechanical

For those managers and CEOs that are involved in the industrial mechanical industry, and must maintain research and development facilities that can do quick prototyping, they must understand that there will be mistakes. The Wright brothers did not fly their first successful prototype right away.

In fact, they crashed several airplanes that barely got off the ground. That was until much later that they decided to go to where there were high winds, and decent terrain, their first successful flight didn’t last very long, although it was successful.

In recent years, people have built model replicas of that prototype and they ended up crashing them. So, the first successful airplane, it seems to be almost impossible to reproduce even using the same materials.

One thing that is very important is to not to let the accountants, or the money managers run the prototyping or R&D projects or allow them to hold the keys or plug. It’s very easy to pull the plug on a very good project just because a prototype fails.

In reality, it’s not that prototypes are supposed to fail, but rather they often do. It’s what you learn from your failures that help you make something that works, and get you closer to perfection. Besides when it comes to prototyping in any industrial mechanical industry, we must realize that Murphy lives amongst us, and he is just looking for ways to prove us wrong, make our lives harder, or destroy our prototypes.

You mustn’t ever let Murphy get you down, and you must never give up if you wish to succeed. In a way this is good advice for anything you do in life, it’s just too bad people in the prototyping industry allow accountants and lawyers to hold the reins. Innovation takes risks. So please make a note of it.

Lance Winslow is a retired franchisor – Lanc

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